Jan 22, 2009

Submit Query

Hello friends,

You can request a topic, submit your queries suggestion anything here.
Feel free to express your ideas, suggestion etc.

I will take care of comments in this post and will try to accommodate as many as I can.

Shaleen Jain


  1. Hello All,
    plz tell me difference between Array and ArrayCollection in ActionScript 3.0

    Thanks and regards

  2. Hi Aju,

    Your query has been answered.
    Please go through the below link for details

    I explained the difference in detail.

    Shaleen Jain

  3. hello sir ,
    i am a newbe to flex.i want to upload image.i want to resize the image while uploading.give me any suggestion.

  4. Hello Shaleen
    I have a requirement where I want to open up a " Save as" Dailog box inorder for user to save the files.
    I know that how to write the same code if i have a button using FileReference Class(http://blog.flexexamples.com/2008/08/25/creating-a-filereference-object-using-mxml-in-flex)
    But I want to write the same kind of code when an alert pops up asking to save (YES/NO) & I click yes.In nut shell I want to the above functionality but not on Button.
    Hope I am clear in explaining the requirement.If not get back to me so as to understand the requirement.

  5. Hi Kali,

    Not a problem. Following code should solve your problem.

    private function someFn():void{
    //function where you are calling you alert popup
    Alert.show("SomeMessage", "Confirmation Window", Alert.YES|Alert.NO, null, handleConfirmation);


    private function handleConfirmation(event:CloseEvent):void{
    if(event.detail == Alert.YES)
    //logic which you initially calling on button click


    Shaleen Jain

  6. Hi Shaleen,
    For our project we have designed a User Interface(UI) using Flex .This UI needs to send/receive data to/from embedded web server(Vxworks) .Can you please let me know some of basic protocols that can help for this purpose.
    Let me know if you need any further inputs on my end


  7. Hi Shaleen,
    Can you let me know some of sites to expertise myself with Cairngorm flex framework.


  8. Hi Kalavati,

    Following like contains a good set of links which you can refer to learn Cairngorm arch

    Shaleen Jain

  9. Hi Kalavati,

    you can use SOAP in the form of httpservices/webservices or AMF in the form of RemoteObjects.

    Shaleen Jain

  10. Hello Shaleen,
    Thank you for answering my querries

    Kalavati Singh

  11. Hi Shaleen

    According to my current requirement I want to know is there simple Flex compatible parser for use in parsing CSV (comma separated value) format files. This may already be available in Flex Builder. If not what is the best way to parse these files.


    Kalavati Singh


  12. Hi Kalavati,

    you need to parse the csv file on the server side and then pass it in the form of a xml or object to use it on the flex client side.

    Shaleen Jain

  13. Hi Shaleen ,
    Can it be possible to parse CSV file on to Flex Client instead of server.If so how that can be done.


  14. Hi Shaleen ,
    Can it be possible to parse CSV file on to Flex Client instead of server.If so how that can be done.


  15. Hello Shaleen,
    Can you please also let me know the reasons why we cannot go for parsing of CSV on Client side(if any)
    If its mandatory that we have to parse CSV on server side,my server being embedded web server(Vxworks).Can you let me know how can i proceed with this


  16. Facing problem in using Flex monkey in weblogic.The sample application works fine locally but when i try to do a http://localhost:8080/mdm/bcm/HierarchyManager/MonkeyContactsTest.html call Monkey does not get loaded.

  17. Any Pointer for below errors ?
    ReferenceError: Error #1065: Variable _MonkeyContacts_mx_managers_SystemManager is not defined.

    VerifyError: Error #1053: Illegal override of removeChildBridge in mx.managers.SystemManagerProxy.

  18. @ Kalavati,

    Flex security feature i.e sandbox security doesn't allow any application to access asset from other location, you can only access the asset of he same domain. that's why you can't access any csv file on the client side...
    What tech you are using for your server side scripting?


  19. @Santosh
    For Error #1065
    You are using an undefined lexical reference. For example, in the following statements, the statement trace(x) generates an error because x is undefined. However, the statement trace(y) doesn't generate an error because y is defined:
    trace("hello world")
    trace(x) // x is undefined
    var y
    trace(y) // No error, y is defined.

    For Error #1053

    Check your code if you are override the rigth class with right access modifiers.

    Shaleen Jain

  20. @ Santosh

    For problem
    Facing problem in using Flex monkey in weblogic.The sample application works fine locally but when i try to do a http://localhost:8080/mdm/bcm/HierarchyManager/MonkeyContactsTest.html call Monkey does not get loaded.

    need more info as what you are loading and from where you are loading, try to hit the wsdl on you browser to check if you are abel to hit it.
    Let me know you finding in cases the problem still persists.

    Shaleen Jain

  21. Hello Shaleen,
    Thank you very much for your response .On the server side we have c/c ++ .Let me know if you need any details on my end


  22. Facing problem in using Flex monkey in weblogic.The sample application works fine locally but when i try to do a http://localhost:8080/mdm/bcm/HierarchyManager/MonkeyContactsTest.html call Monkey does not get loaded.

    For problem
    Facing problem in using Flex monkey in weblogic.The sample application works fine locally but when i try to do a http://localhost:8080/mdm/bcm/HierarchyManager/MonkeyContactsTest.html call Monkey does not get loaded.

    need more info as what you are loading and from where you are loading, try to hit the wsdl on you browser to check if you are abel to hit it.
    Let me know you finding in cases the problem still persists.

    Here is the information from my side.

    I have down loaded Flex Monkey 8.0 from Net and installed it. When I keep all the files in following and try to call the HTML everything’s works fine.
    1. FlexMonkeyLauncher.swf
    2. FlexMonkeyTests.swf
    3. MonkeyContacts.swf
    4. MonkeyContactsTest.html
    If I call MonkeyContactsTest.html this file from property file or double click the html everything works fine.

    But if I copy all this to server deployed location


    1. FlexMonkeyLauncher.swf
    2. FlexMonkeyTests.swf
    3. MonkeyContacts.swf
    4. MonkeyContactsTest.html

    Call the HTTP……. This does not work for me.

    Note : I have also copied FlexMonkey.swc, FlexMonkeyLauncher.swf to lib


  23. Hi Shaleen,

    The above problem got resolved by clearing the cache and deleting history of browser.

    But below problem was found in launching flex monkey

    at flexunit.framework::Assert$/fail()[/Users/amcleod/SubVersion/flexunit/trunk/FlexUnitLib/src/flexunit/framework/Assert.as:345]
    at flexunit.framework::AsyncTestHelper/runNext()[/Users/amcleod/SubVersion/flexunit/trunk/FlexUnitLib/src/flexunit/framework/AsyncTestHelper.as:98]
    at flexunit.framework::TestCase/runTestOrAsync()[/Users/amcleod/SubVersion/flexunit/trunk/FlexUnitLib/src/flexunit/framework/TestCase.as:270]
    at flexunit.framework::TestCase/runMiddle()[/Users/amcleod/SubVersion/flexunit/trunk/FlexUnitLib/src/flexunit/framework/TestCase.as:186]
    at flexunit.framework::ProtectedMiddleTestCase/protect()[/Users/amcleod/SubVersion/flexunit/trunk/FlexUnitLib/src/flexunit/framework/ProtectedMiddleTestCase.as:47]
    at flexunit.framework::TestResult/doProtected()[/Users/amcleod/SubVersion/flexunit/trunk/FlexUnitLib/src/flexunit/framework/TestResult.as:239]
    at flexunit.framework::TestResult/doContinue()[/Users/amcleod/SubVersion/flexunit/trunk/FlexUnitLib/src/flexunit/framework/TestResult.as:104]
    at flexunit.framework::TestResult/continueRun()[/Users/amcleod/SubVersion/flexunit/trunk/FlexUnitLib/src/flexunit/framework/TestResult.as:73]
    at flexunit.framework::AsyncTestHelper/timerHandler()[/Users/amcleod/SubVersion/flexunit/trunk/FlexUnitLib/src/flexunit/framework/AsyncTestHelper.as:123]
    at flash.utils::Timer/_timerDispatch()
    at flash.utils::Timer/tick()

  24. Any test script of flex monkey where we can handle the menu item clicking and popup launching for recording in Flex Monkey.Any good book which can help me.

  25. @Kalavati,

    Yes, than you need to upload the file first on the server, than read it using c/C++, parse it as per you requirement and send it back to the flex client. Let me know if you still have any doubt.

    In between, What kind of UI you are developing.



  26. Hello Shaleen,
    Thank you again for your response .In this case exactly I am not understanding how to proceed further on this .
    My UI is developing a flex application that that monitors the devices(Mike,handheld devices etc)
    i am needing the parsing/reading of CSV as I need to design a graphs in UI that data for that comes inform of CSV.so I would need this parsing.
    I hope I am clear in stating what I want if not please let me know.


  27. Hello Shaleen,
    I need some help as I want to have graphs embedded in my user interface.The graph takes input from a CSV file.Let me know if you can spare some time on this for me.I shall send requirement (graphs pic & CSV to your gmail id ) as there is no option on the blog to send attacement


  28. Hi Kalavati,

    You may send me attachments on my mail.

    My question is that how that csv is going to be generated. If you C++ code is going to generate that file, directly convert that into xml and send it to the flex client. Feel free to mail me your req doc.

    Shaleen Jain

  29. Hello Shaleen,
    I am sending the requirement details to your gmail account.please feel free to ask any further inputs .


  30. Hi,

    According to my current requirement I need to create graphs where I read some part of input from CSV & the rest part of the input is calculated by using different Formulae.Can i get such kind of graph using Flex Professional.Can any one suggest better ways to achieve this.I request to forward any examples of this type.



  31. Hi Kalavati,

    I would recommend you to read on Collection classes like ArrayCollection and XMLListCollection. Also my post on diffence b/w Array and ArrayCollection would be of help.

    You send me more input to your requirement, so that I can give you more specific input to your problem

    Shaleen Jain

  32. Hi Shaleen,
    Thank you very much for your response I have got solution for this issue.As you said I parsed the CSV and placed in a ArrayCollection & used the same for plotting my graphs.


  33. Hi Shaleen,

    iam new to Flex and presently working on a task where i should generate dynamic tree notation based on DB values of particular table.

    Description of my task:-

    actually there is a table called personnel with various fields,i have to consider 2 fields and must generate dyanamic relationship b/w those values.

    the values are 1) Index number of person,
    2)reporting_to field,to whom the particular person reports.

    Now based on these to values i must generate Superior and Subordinate relationship just like tree for each Superior the respective index values are attached, if that index value also as any subordinate then index become superior and its reporting person index becomes child. Like this the structure must generate.

    Kindly guide me to fulfill this requirement.


  34. Hi Sriram,

    Can you send me the tree structure you want to see in a diagram. Is the tree populates for one user at a time or more than one? On which conditions you need to get this tree.

    I understand the requirement but need more inputs as how you want to populate you tree and on what conditions?

    Shaleen Jain

  35. Hi Shaleen,

    Thanks for reply,Actually tree generates more than one user at an instance.i.e all superior and subordinate relationship must generate atonce.

    As iam not able to attach or copy my output diagram iam discribing below.

    For example:- let comsider superior values as A,B,C and each superior consists values like A(1,2,3,4), B(5,6,7),C(8,9).Now i should generate output like, A B C consecutive variables and Under each Superior value respective child vlues must be attached and display just like tree structure.Like this for allthe superior values must display seperately in horzontal direction and its child index numbers must attached and displayed in vertical direction.

    Kindly let me know if any information required.if possible kind give testmail to abbireddy.sriram@gmail.com sothat i can sned the output diagram.


  36. As iam not able to attach or copy my output
    i have send mail from sreeram.abbireddy@gmail.com kindly go through the output diagram and help me out to resolve the task.

    Kindly let me know if any information required.if possible kind give testmail to abbireddy.sriram@gmail.com sothat i can sned the output diagram.

  37. Hi Shaleen,

    I have a requirement for Flex + Flash + ActionScript 2.0 training to be imparted to one of the corporates in Noida. Please let me know if you are interested in the same. You can email me at nsrivastava2@velsof.com or call me at 0120-4243310

  38. hello..thnks for getting me understand the difference b/w array and arraycollection.
    Can u provide some interview questions for flex? my email id is mathurneha56@gmail.com

  39. HI Shaleen
    any idea on light weight CoverFlow component in Flex3
    I mean without using swc


  40. Hi I am working on a project which involves flex, php, mysql.

    I have a database table which has video file in formations with 3 columns. Name, Duration and Address. Say Name= india.flv, Duration = 00:12:34:05 and Address = C:/videos/india.flv.

    So there are more than 500 entries in this database table.

    I am now able to display this in the front end using the flex.

    I want the following features to be added soon:-

    1) Is it possible to display the thumbnail of the videos that is present in the database ?

    2)on clicking on the thumbnail, the video should start playing.

    Is this possible ?


  41. @Mac, yes it is possible.
    What you need to create one more column in your database which should have a thumbnail picture of your video(whatever you want to display) in the same manner as you have the videos. One click of the thumbnail, you can change the state to video view.

  42. Ok, so you mean I have to BLOB the thumbnail pics ? you know like storing binary form ? Because I did not BLOB videos, I jus stored there names and address and duration.
